How to drink
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- freshclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- richclear
- bitterclear
- sweetclear
- ----------clear
- gold rakijaclear
- bitterclear
- freshclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- sweetclear
- freshclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- fruityclear
- freshclear
- ----------clear
- gold rakijaclear
- sweetclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- gold rakijaclear
- pear rakijaclear
- ----------clear
- gold rakijaclear
- sourclear
- richclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- sweetclear
- fruityclear
- freshclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- bitterclear
- freshclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- sourclear
- fruityclear
- freshclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- freshclear
- bitterclear
- ----------clear
- classic rakijaclear
- sweetclear
- fruityclear
- freshclear

when to drink / want something low cal and refreshing? this is the drink for you.
how to drink / 60ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 20ml lime juice, soda and pour over ice. adjust to taste.
garnish / slice of lime.

when to drink / girls night spesh. baba loves an espresso martini (or two).
how to drink / 60ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 30ml Kahlua, 30ml Frangelico, 5ml simple syrup (or to taste), shot of baba’s favourite kafe blend. Shake well and serve.
a martini glass is a must!

when to drink / great for warmer weather - sip while gardening or lounging by the pool. sweet and spicy, like uncle sasho’s first wife.
how to drink / 45ml DNA Distillery Gold Rakija, 15ml lime juice, top up with ginger beer (cascade is best, trust us), and fresh mint.
garnish / lime or mint.

when to drink / always. everyone likes a mojito.
how to drink / you got to get the ratios right for this one. 60ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 30ml lime juice, 15ml simple syrup and 6 mint leaves (clap it between your hands to release flavour).
add soda or lemonade for some fizz
garnish / mint and lime.

when to drink / sip on it when sitting by the pool or mix it up when entertaining. light and fruity, your guests will love it (trust us).
how to drink / 60ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 30ml pomegranate juice, 20ml lemon juice, fill glass with soda, and mint leaves. pour over ice.
don’t worry too much about quantities of everything - make your drink to taste.
garnish / lemon slice.

when to drink / the drink you drink when you don’t know what to drink.
how to drink / it’s in the name. mix it up, add ice, and enjoy.
garnish / more rakija.

when to drink / sip on it while having a meal or snack, reading the newspaper, or just because.
how dedo naum would drink it.
how to drink / grab your favourite shot glass, fill it to the top with DNA Distillery Classic Rakija or DNA Distillery Gold Rakija and you’re ready to go.

when to drink / want to make your family think your fancy? Request this at your next family event.
how to drink / separate 1 egg white in cocktail shaker and shake vigorously without ice. Add 60ml DNA Distillery Gold Rakija, 15ml simple syrup, 22ml lemon juice, ice and shake well until chilled. strain into glass.
garnish / dried lemon or orange.

when to drink / like summer in a glass… when you were 18.
how to drink / 45ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, fill with orange juice, a touch of red cordial (the kind that baba always has a bottle of).
it’s healthy because it’s juice.

when to drink / perfect to sip on at the end of a long day.
how to drink / 25ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 30ml prosecco, 30ml aperol, 30ml soda (or to taste).
garnish / dried orange or passionfruit pulp.

when to drink / day or night, at a barbecue or over a game of cards.
how to drink / this drink is all about the quantities. 60ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 30ml lime juice, 22ml simple syrup, ice, bitters, salt. Shake it up (c’mon, put your back into it).

when to drink / yes, bitola - as in the city. summer in a glass. the perfect drink for warmer weather.
how to drink / 60ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 60ml grapefruit juice, 60ml soda, 30ml lime juice, 15ml simple syrup. stir and enjoy.
garnish / dried lemon.

when to drink / great for a night with the cousins… obviously.
how to drink / 60ml DNA Distillery Classic Rakija, 15ml lime juice, 15ml cointreau, 125ml cranberry juice, ice, fresh mint.
combine ingredients in a shaker with ice. shake
garnish / lime.